Saturday, December 20, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
our baseball fanatic son
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
11/18 is usually a somber date for another reason - in 1988 on that very same day is when James lost his father. Funny in a weird way how things happen . . .
As if James didn't have enough reasons to remember 11/18 - he experienced his first kidney stone that afternoon - or so we found out later. He took himself to the walk-in clinic that evening because the pain was quite unbearable, enough that he couldn't finish a sentence without having to stop to wince in pain. Tuesday night and in to Wednesday was tough, Wednesday it got a little better and Thursday it turned worse again - so much that I took James to the ER. We both learned more about kidney stones, got some cool pictures from his CT scan and even better . . . he passed the stone while in the ER.
He's still a bit sore and I'm sure the 5 hour drive on Friday and Saturday was no help - but there was nothing that was going to stop him from being at his grandmother's funeral . . . even a kidney stone.
Hope you all have a wonderful & loving Thanksgiving - remember to give thanks for all you have . . . . every day :)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Not so great news
Sadly, the news got worse - we received a phone call early this morning that his maternal grandmother had passed away. While her passing was somewhat expected, the actuality and finality is always hard. We are so grateful that we were able to visit with her this past summer and say our goodbyes at that time.
Additionally, James spent some time at the doctor this evening for some intense pain he was having in his mid to lower back which has turned out to be a kidney stone. I think we're both relieved he went to be seen and received some medication to help with the pain. He's having some trouble dealing with the next stage right now - but know that it has to run its course and was told it could pass in a few days or take as long as 2-3 weeks. Cross your fingers for the shorter!
Hope all are doing well!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
job change
I wanted to let you know that in 2 weeks I will be leaving MeritCare, which has been my "home" for the past 6 years (and some change). I will be soon working for Dr Jeffrey Harvey, an orthodontist, in south Moorhead. My position is called a scheduling coordinator, which has similar functions of my job here at MeritCare, but a few new ones I don't even know all about yet.
I've been a little frustrated with MeritCare in the inability for advancement and growth, so felt I needed a change - maybe it's turning 30 and need to "mix it up" in this new decade, I don't know. I am a creature of comfort, so am a little anxious about the change, but it's what I need to do right now and is good for my family, finally putting that bachelor's degree to use.
It will mean changes in our daily life, James will now have to bring Brady to daycare, but I will still pick him up. I think James is actually excited for that, just to become a part of that daily routine that he hasn't been for 2 years, except on rare occasion. Being in the dental world, I'll get to frequently have Fridays off - not sure what I'm going to do yet with that time but excited to find out.
So - that is a change in my/our world and hoping for the best. Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well in the transition and my new co-workers like me!! :)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Fall Festival
We were joined by our good friends Sonny & Christy and their daughter, Jada. Jada is just over 5 months younger than Brady and they have a really good time together.
Hopefully the LAST thyroid update!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
thyroid update
I had been on one dosage from May-July and it changed with the blood draw I had on the 25th of July. This past week and a little more was causing a LOT of trouble for me and it didn't dawn on me that the only thing I had changed was my Synthroid dosage. I was extremely tired, not just from a busy day of work or even playing volleyball - I would sit on the floor to play with Brady and fall asleep sitting straight up. After a few days of that, combined with headaches worse than previous migraines and overall just feeling really crappy - I mention to one of our nurses at work. She wants me to call my doctor and see if they'll order another TSH check to see if that is the culprit.
Sure enough - had my blood drawn on Thursday, August 28 to find that my once too low TSH (was 0.18 and wasn't supposed to be lower than 0.4) was now at 11.69 (and not supposed to be over 5.0). A little over an 11 point jump in 4 weeks - no wonder I felt like crap - that's a HUGE difference! So - now I'm on yet another different dosage of Synthroid, if you're counting - this is my 3rd dosage since May . . . can't say I'm a fan of this constant switching. But, going into this situation, I knew that it usually takes a few tries to find the happy-medium needed, so can't say I'm surprised.
I have decided, however, that this dosage is going to work! Why - you ask? These pills are PINK!!! That has to be good right? hahaha
Anyway, that's all for now - my next blood draw will be in 4-6 weeks, unless I'm feeling crummy again before than. ttfn!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Brady's 2nd Birthday
Friday, August 1, 2008
Lisa update
Anyway - wanted to update with how my thyroid is behaving . . . in that it isn't . . . or at least not completely yet anyway. My T4 is now behaving, but my TSH is not. The last time I had blood work done, my T4 was at 0.4 and was too low after my radioactive iodine treatment so I started taking Synthroid to bring it back up. My T4 is now at 1.7, so is in the normal range but on the high end. My TSH was not much of an issue before, but is now not yet balanced out. It is at 0.18 and is supposed to be between 0.4-5.0. I need to continue with the Synthroid, but the dosage has changed and I will be having blood work again in another 8 weeks. That's my update for now.
A huge thank you for those extra prayers for my cousin Heather. She is doing amazingly well for what has happened to her. The MRI results of her knee showed an ACL tear that will require surgery and a fracture to her tibia. So in total, broken tibia, broken wrist and torn ACL. She and her husband were seeing a doctor today to get a second opinion on what should happen here in the near future with regard to her injury, possibly surgery and her pregnancy. But, for now - she's taking it in stride and seems in good spirits despite what has happened - she's such an amazing strong woman!
I hope to get pictures up here of Brady's 2nd birthday - I'm hoping before the weekend is out!
Have a great weekend!
Monday, July 28, 2008
remainder of vacation and prayer request
I'll start with the story to the end of our vacation which was in our last post and have a favor to ask at the end.
On July 5th and 6th, we spent time with my Anderson side of the family, to catch up but also for a specific reason. I have 2 cousins (brother & sister) that are living in Colorado, they are both expecting their first baby this fall. My cousin Heather and her husband Dustin are due in early November and cousin Jeff and his wife Kelly are due in early October. They were home to MN to visit family, so a double baby shower was planned while they were here - so that event is what rounded out our week vacation.
22 of us, I believe, took in a Twins game on Saturday night, the 5th and then met again for the baby shower on Sunday before heading back home. We had a great time just visiting with family, but specifically with the cousins since we don't see them as often as we'd like and talking to them about their impending parenthood.
This is a picture of as many cousins that were able to make it to the shower. We're missing 3 of our cousins that live in California, but the other 6 of us were there with our families.
From left to right (back couple rows of adults): Jeff Haanen (cousin), Dustin Camping, Heather Camping (cousin), James holding Brady, Kelly Haanen, me, Susan Miller (cousin), Scott Wittnebel (cousin), Nikki Wittnebel, Brad Anderson (my brother) holding a sleeping son Dylan, Sara Anderson
From left to right (kids in front): Ben & Nicholas (sons of Susan), Hannah (daughter of Nikki) and Grant (son of Brad & Sara)
The kids are a little less clothed because it was very hot and humid in Plymouth that day and the sprinkler was going full blast :) It was a great day and so excited for them!
Now, on a heavier note - I want to ask for any extra prayers. My aunt (mom to these 2 that are expecting) informed me today that Heather was hit by a car yesterday. She and Dustin were walking through Estes Park, CO and were crossing the street when the car that was waiting for them to cross was rear-ended and hit Heather. She was tossed about 5 feet, fortunately never lost consciousness but was taken to the ER to get checked out. Her right wrist is broken and left knee in a great deal of pain. She was having an MRI on her knee today to see what the damage is, but I haven't yet heard. The best news: baby is fine. Obviously, we pray that it remains that way. Heather may have a tough road ahead in the immediate future, but can recover from physical injury - it will just take time. Thank you for including my family in your prayers!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
After the zoo, we headed to Zumbrota, MN, to James' uncle Gary & aunt Alyce's farm to stay Wednesday and Thursday nights. We were again back to our trouble with how Brady was going to take to the animals. He could pick from dogs, cats, cows and birds. We tried to teach him to say "hi" and "bye" to each animal, hoping to curb some of his fear. I don't know that we really succeeded with that approach because he would still scream when at the level of the animal. Sometimes to the point that he didn't like James or I even petting any particular animal. He really didn't seem to like when I sat in the driveway with the 13 cats and kittens as they crawled all over me. So protective at such a young age! Gary & Alyce's grandson Garrett did his best in being very patient with Brady to encourage him to pet a rooster . . . pointing at it was the closest Brady got . . . bless Garrett, he tried!
Early Friday morning we returned to Eagan for a 4th of July parade. It was quite to
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Father's Day
We had a fun Father's Day - we had been in Minneapolis most of the weekend for a wedding, but drove back early Sunday to meet my parents and grandma for lunch. This is Brady helping James "open" his Father's Day present - it's a framed picture of Wrigley field in Chicago. James has always wanted some framed fields, so Brady & I thought this would be perfect.
The picture at right is Brady sitting between Grandpa Jerry & Grandma Jane at Johnny Carino's for lunch - I couldn't get him to make a good "cheese" with Grandma & Grandpa in the picture - so I guess we'll take this one :) Unfortunately my brother and his family weren't able to join us, as our nephew Grant was not feeling so well that day.
Hope all you dads out there had a wonderful Father's Day!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
That's about it for now - still waiting for spring or summer to arrive weather-wise - Brady still has to wear his stocking hat when he comes to watch James & I play softball and it's JUNE! Oh well, what do you do.
Brady's good - picking up more and more words and we're actually starting to understand what he's trying to say. Literally tries to repeat most things we say . . . so far, so good :) Still can't believe he's almost 2 - the same question of "where does time go!"
On a silly side note - I'm very happy to report that 2 weeks ago, I hit my first true homerun with my women's softball team. It was actually over the fence in dead center - MAN that felt great! Have to say - I really want to have that feeling again, it was so fun!
That about wraps it up for now - will keep you posted with Mitchell life as it comes.
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
test results
On another note - asking for your thoughts and prayers. Our brother-in-law Jeff (James' youngest sister, her husband) is currently at the Mayo Clinic with some troubles. He had surgery yesterday and is possibly having another tomorrow to fix a problem of his lung continually filling with fluid. This whole process started 2 months ago when he was having trouble breathing and taking deep breaths - was hospitalized in Bismarck for a week or so and then transfered to Mayo because they felt that was best for him. He spent around 2 weeks at Mayo the end of March and early April with doctors running all sorts of tests, deciding that this could be handled maybe with a special diet. Well - early last week he was having trouble breathing again and was sent back to Mayo. The surgery yesterday was to go in to the lymphnodes just below the shoulder on the side where the lung is filling with fluid. The surgery Wednesday may be to do the other side. We're not real sure on the specifics, but understand it is very rare. The surgeons that are doing the surgery at #1 & #2 in the nation but have only done this particular surgery4 times I believe. It was decided that this is a condition Jeff has had since birth and doctors are surprised he survived it as an infant. Babies that have this condition are unable to vocalize their trouble breathing and the fluid takes over the lung space in the lung and basically they drown. So, the fact that he's in his mid 30's with this condition is rather impressive.
Hope you are all well! Thanks for checking in!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
recent diagnosis
In late January, I was having some fainting, dizzy, blurry vision, hot flash moments. None of those got my attention until I started having some fast heart pounding that took my breath away - that definitely got my attention. On February 1, I took Brady to our family doctor for his 18 month check up and my/his doctor asked what was going on with me because I "didn't look right". I explained to her the above symptoms I was having so she ran some blood tests. Turns out my thyroid was really out of whack. My T4 (which is a component of the thyroid gland) was at a level of 3.8 - the high end of the normal range is 1.8 - not good. The clinical term for this is "hyperthyroidism".
My family doctor refers me to an endocrinologist that specializes in this and I see him 4 days later. At that appointment, he does an exam which consists of feeling my throat for any swelling or goiters and checking my vision and measuring my eyes. Apparently most people with hyperthyroidism notice symptoms with their vision first. Everything checked out normal. His recommendation was to take a small dose of radioactive iodine that would tell us exactly what kind of hyperthyroidism I had - there are 3 kinds: thyroiditis (which is temporary and comes and goes as it pleases, so unable to treat really), Grave's disease, also known as Hashimoto's; and I can't remember the one of the third.
After taking the radioactive iodine pill, I returned to the hospital to have a scan done. A device was close to my thyroid determining what percentage is was overworking. It resulted in 53.5% - the normal high is 28%. This meant I have Grave's disease. 2 weeks later I was given an appropriate dose of radioactive iodine (based on my %) as treatment. The radioactive iodine is the fastest and most effective treatment for Grave's because it directly attacks the overactive part of the thyroid and destroys those cells. I was unable to work for 4 days (because I work with pregnant gals), couldn't do anything with Brady, couldn't touch anything Brady or James might touch but if a must, had to wear gloves, couldn't be in a car with anyone, couldn't go to the movie theater or any restaurants, had to use a separate bathroom and sleeping arrangements. Now in hindsight, doesn't seem so bad - but at the time, couldn't have felt like longer days.
8 weeks later on April 8 I had my blood tested again to be sure it was working. My levels had to be dropping from the initial 3.8 or I had to do the radioactive iodine again - yuck! I was fortunate and my levels had indeed dropped and were now at 2.0. Still higher than they should be, but going in the right direction. I had my blood tested again today (5/8) to see if they are continuing to drop. My endocrinologist would like to see my number at no higher than 1.5 - cross your fingers - I hope to have results tomorrow!
That's been our immediate world so far - bump in the road, but thank goodness nothing serious. It does involve us having to wait 6 months to add to our family which was an initial bummer, but if this treatment makes the next pregnancy safer for me and baby - it will be worth it!