I can't put into words how excited I was to put up our Christmas tree this year. We finally have a place to put our tree in this house ~ YAY!!! There is a perfect spot in front of the picture window at the front of the house in our main level living room and we don't have to try to look through the tree to see the TV like in our last house! Brady has been excited about helping me decorate, even when the tree is "pokey" but I didn't anticipate help from Samantha. Don't know why I was surprised since she thinks she can do everything big brother can :) She actually did quite well and by the time we put ornaments away - only one had been broken, but repairable!

James & Brady doing the 1st ornaments - according to Brady, they have to be the Twins, Vikings, Gophers & Wild ones
James & Brady doing the 1st ornaments - according to Brady, they have to be the Twins, Vikings, Gophers & Wild ones
Samantha trying - doesn't quite understand the loop goes around the branch
wondering if the ornaments will hang themselves with a stare
Brady's preschool class went to our local "Santa's Village" in early December to see live reindeer and of course tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas. Made me laugh when I would hear what he'd tell others he wanted for Christmas because it was completely different than what he told me to put on his list!
hugs for Santa
being silly as an elf :)
James & I enjoyed his work Christmas party for the 9th year now! I can't believe I've known him long enough to go to that many with him! We've only missed 1 in the time we've been dating/engaged/married. It really is a fun night ~ great food, free drinks, good friends and a date with my husband. We have noticed it always seems to be the COLDEST night in December and this year followed suit.
Brady had his church Christmas program in December too. This year went better than last. He stood in front of the church last year but rarely moved his lips to sing and never even attempted to do the actions with the songs. This year he did both! Still definitely tentative, but a step in the right direction!
Brady (vertically striped shirt) & Dylan (red, puffy vest)
Brady & Dylan ready to sing
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