Her 1st haircut - which, yes - should have happened much sooner than it did, but I was dragging my feet. The poor girl couldn't see past her hair any longer. So - the first haircut was done by Mom at home (and she's since already had another).


So - she's now tried green veggies (peas & beans), orange veggies (squash, sweet potatoes & carrots) and fruits of bananas, pears, peaches and applesauce. All the fruits were a hit and the sweet potatoes were well received also . . . all the others - not so much.


maybe a little tired of the camera in her face . . .
And when she turned 6 months old on 2/5/10, she got to test out the exersaucer - and it's STILL a hit! You might be able to tell by the smiles :)

guess which is her favorite toy to chew on?? :)
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