Happy or good news is not what I bring to the blog tonight. Today has been a long one, in only negative ways. Today marks 20 years since James lost his dad, which of course is a sad day in itself.
Sadly, the news got worse - we received a phone call early this morning that his maternal grandmother had passed away. While her passing was somewhat expected, the actuality and finality is always hard. We are so grateful that we were able to visit with her this past summer and say our goodbyes at that time.
Additionally, James spent some time at the doctor this evening for some intense pain he was having in his mid to lower back which has turned out to be a kidney stone. I think we're both relieved he went to be seen and received some medication to help with the pain. He's having some trouble dealing with the next stage right now - but know that it has to run its course and was told it could pass in a few days or take as long as 2-3 weeks. Cross your fingers for the shorter!
Hope all are doing well!